Автор: |
Документы |
Ссылки |
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Алексеенко В. Р. |
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Коул У. Оуэн |
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Пятницький Валерій Тезійнович |
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" Microbiology on service for human," Ukrainian-Polish weigl conference (3-rd; 2009; Odessa) |
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" Історіографічна спадщина науки історії України ( погляд з кінця ХХ ст.)", всеукраїнська наук.-освітня конф.( січень; 1997; Глухів). |
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" Сучасна дипломатія: світовий досвіт, нац специфіка. ООН у світовій політиці ", міжнар. наук.-практич. конф. в рамках проекту " Підвищення потенціалу МЗС України " ( UKR / 97 / 005 ) Програми розвитку ООН ( ПРООН ) (1999; Киів) |
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"1020 - ліття хрещення Руси-України - із Києва по всій Русі", наук.-практ. конф. (2008; Київ) |
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"150 лет Одесскому обществу истории и древностей 1839-1989", юбилейная конф. (1989; Одесса) |
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"200 років господарського судочинства в Україні. Сучасність і майбутнє", Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (2008; Одеса) |
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"285 лет со дня рождения М.В.Ломоносова", науч. конф. (Одесса) |
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"50-річчя загальної декларації прав людини",нац. конф. (1998;Київ) |
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"Amex Ltd" |
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"Astronomy and beyond: astrophysics, cosmology and gravitation, cosmomicrophysics, radio-astronomy and astrobiology", international astronomical Gamow conference-school (12;2012; Odessa) - |
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"Astronomy and beyond: astrophysics, cosmology and gravitation, cosmomicrophysics,radio-astronomy and astrobiology" International astronomical Gamow conference-school (13; 2013; Odessa), |
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"Astrophysics and cosmology after Gamow- theory and observations", Gamow memorial international conference dedicated to 100-th anniversary of George Gamow (2004; Odessa) |
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"Astrophysics and cosmology after Gamow: recent progress and new horizons", Gamow memorial international conference dedicated to 105-th anniversary of George Gamow( 2009; Odessa) |
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"Babes-Bolyai" Univ., Cluj-Napoca, Inst. de Turkologie si Studii Central-Asiatice |
"Babes-Bolyai" Univ., Inst. of Turkish and Central Asian Studies |
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"Biodiversity. Ecology. Adaptation. Evolution", international young scientists conference, dedicated to 180 anniversari from the birth of famous physiologist I. Sechenov (4; 2009; Odesa) |
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"Biodiversity. Ecology. Adaptation. Evolution",international young scientists conference,dedicated to 160 anniversary from the birth of prof. F. Kamenskiy (5;2011;Odesa) |
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"Boris Pasternak and his times", international symposium (2;1984; Jerusalem |
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"Caspian-Black Sea-Mediterranean corridor during last 30 ky: sea level change and human adaptive strategies" (2005-2011), plenary meeting and field trip INQUA 501 (7; 2011; Odessa) |
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"Charting the course between public service and commercialisation: prices,values and quality", EUA conf. on the occasion of the 600th anniv. of the university of Turin (2004;Turin) |
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"Chemie und Biologie von Peptidwirkstoffen", symposium mit internationaler Beteiligung (1985;Jena) |
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"Comportements sociaux et strategies familiales dans les Balkans (XVIe-XXe siecles)", colloque intern. (2006;Bucarest) |
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"Dusty plasmas in applications", intern. conf. on the phisics of dusty and combustion plasmas (2004; Odessa) |
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"Dusty Plasmas in applications", intern. conf. on the physics of dusty and burning plasmas (2;2007;Odessa) |
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"Dynamical systems modelling and stability investigation", international conference (1999; Kyiv) |
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"East-West" association for advanced studies and higher education |
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