Название: |
Документов |
Серии |
Prymat, |
14 |
1 |
Publ. cultural, |
2 |
Publ. house of the Bulgarian acad. of sciences, |
2 |
Publ. house of the Slovak acad. of sciences, |
1 |
Publ. House WSZiA, |
1 |
Publ. society of Foreign workers, |
8 |
Public Diplomacy Division NATO, |
4 |
Publisher Odissei, |
1 |
Publishers, |
2 |
Publishing house, |
7 |
Publishing House GCI, |
1 |
Publishing house of the political literature of Ukraine, |
1 |
Puffin books, |
1 |
1 |
Pustet, |
1 |
Puttkammer & Muhlbrecht, |
16 |
Puttnaker & Muhlbrecht, |
1 |
PWN Polish scientific publ., |
1 |
Quadrivium, |
12 |
Quantin, |
1 |
Que Education and Training, |
1 |
Quelle & Meyer, |
2 |
Quien, |
1 |
Quorum Books, |
2 |
R. Bertling, |
1 |
R. de Condappa, |
R. Muller, |
1 |
R. Ruetz, |
1 |
R.A. Oldenbourg, |
32 |