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Chronograph of international events of ONU Mechnikov, 2010-2017
Chronograph of international events of ONU Mechnikov, 2010-2017 : digest of articles
Издательство: Odessa І.І. Mechnikov national univ., 2018 г.
ISBN 978-617-689-263-2
Chronograph of international events of ONU Mechnikov, 2010-2017 : digest of articles
Издательство: Odessa І.І. Mechnikov national univ., 2018 г.
ISBN 978-617-689-263-2
15 11875
Chronograph of international events of ONU Mechnikov, 2010-2017 : digest of articles / ed. in chief. I. M. Koval; transl. into English N. O. Koval; responsible ed. V. S. Grinevych. – Odessa : Odessa І.І. Mechnikov national univ., 2018. – 139 p. : ill.
ISBN 978-617-689-263-2.
This edition is a sequel of the History of International Cooperation, which was issued for the 150th anniversary of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University and covered the period from 1865 to 2015. Current edition continues this edition from 2015. Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University has always aspired to maintain and expand relations with foreign partners, annually it is visited by many outstanding guests, including ambassadors of different countries, foreign ministers, representatives of international organizations and others. Such visits are of great importance for students and university staff, as they allow to broaden their minds, get acquainted with the highest ranking personalities of other countries, ask them different questions and get their own opinion. Continuing the tradition of the previous book, this edition includes actual documents and pictures that may be interesting to wide range of readers.
Предметні рубрики = СУСПІЛЬНІ НАУКИ : Освіта, виховання, навчання, дозвілля : вища освіта, вища школа, підготовка наукових кадрів : університети : університети України : Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова : політика в ОНУ імені І. І. Мечникова, робота та громадське життя : університет та міжнародні зв'язки
1668058 ОФ
1668059 Читальный зал
1668062 Ф 2
15 11875
Chronograph of international events of ONU Mechnikov, 2010-2017 : digest of articles / ed. in chief. I. M. Koval; transl. into English N. O. Koval; responsible ed. V. S. Grinevych. – Odessa : Odessa І.І. Mechnikov national univ., 2018. – 139 p. : ill.
ISBN 978-617-689-263-2.
This edition is a sequel of the History of International Cooperation, which was issued for the 150th anniversary of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University and covered the period from 1865 to 2015. Current edition continues this edition from 2015. Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University has always aspired to maintain and expand relations with foreign partners, annually it is visited by many outstanding guests, including ambassadors of different countries, foreign ministers, representatives of international organizations and others. Such visits are of great importance for students and university staff, as they allow to broaden their minds, get acquainted with the highest ranking personalities of other countries, ask them different questions and get their own opinion. Continuing the tradition of the previous book, this edition includes actual documents and pictures that may be interesting to wide range of readers.
Предметні рубрики = СУСПІЛЬНІ НАУКИ : Освіта, виховання, навчання, дозвілля : вища освіта, вища школа, підготовка наукових кадрів : університети : університети України : Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова : політика в ОНУ імені І. І. Мечникова, робота та громадське життя : університет та міжнародні зв'язки
1668058 ОФ
1668059 Читальный зал
1668062 Ф 2