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- іменний фонд Уйомова
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Связанные описания:

Wieger, Leon
Textes philosophiques
Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique, 1906 г.
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Wieger, Leon
Textes philosophiques
Imprimerie de la Mission Catholique, 1906 г.
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Sympozjum metody heurezy (8; 1986; Warszawa)
Tezy referatow na VIII /I nowej serii/ 24-26 wrzesnia, 1986
1986 г.
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Sympozjum metody heurezy (8; 1986; Warszawa)
Tezy referatow na VIII /I nowej serii/ 24-26 wrzesnia, 1986
1986 г.
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The concept and the role of the model in mathematics and natural and social sciences : proceedings of the colloguium sponsored by the division of philosophy of sciences of the International Union of
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The concept and the role of the model in mathematics and natural and social sciences : proceedings of the colloguium sponsored by the division of philosophy of sciences of the International Union of
Серия: Synthese library
Reidel publ. company, 1961 г.ISBN отсутствует
The English philosophers from Bacon to Mill
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The English philosophers from Bacon to Mill
Серия: The World's best books
Modern Library, 1939 г.ISBN отсутствует
Trevor-Roper, H. R.
The European witch-craze of the 16th and 17th centuries
Penguin Books, 1988 г.
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Trevor-Roper, H. R.
The European witch-craze of the 16th and 17th centuries
Penguin Books, 1988 г.
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Uyemov, Avenir I.
The language of ternary description as a deviant logic, I
1995 г.
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Uyemov, Avenir I.
The language of ternary description as a deviant logic, I
1995 г.
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Uyemov, Avenir I.
The language of ternary description as a deviant logic, III
1998 г.
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Uyemov, Avenir I.
The language of ternary description as a deviant logic, III
1998 г.
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McInerny, Ralph
The logic of analogy an interpretation of St. Thomas
Martinus Nijhoff, 1961 г.
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McInerny, Ralph
The logic of analogy an interpretation of St. Thomas
Martinus Nijhoff, 1961 г.
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The Lvov-Warsaw school and contemporary philosophy
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The Lvov-Warsaw school and contemporary philosophy
Серия: Synthese library
Kluwer acad. publ., 1998 г.ISBN отсутствует
Spisani, Franco
The meaning and structure of time
Significato e struttura del tempo
Azzoguidi, 1972 г.
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Spisani, Franco
The meaning and structure of time
Significato e struttura del tempo
Azzoguidi, 1972 г.
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Hintikka, Jaakko
The method of analysis. Its geometrical origin and its general significance
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Hintikka, Jaakko
The method of analysis. Its geometrical origin and its general significance
Серия: Synthese library
Reidel publ. company, 1974 г.ISBN отсутствует
The roots of praxiology. French action theory from Bourdeau and Espinas to present days
Transaction publ., 2000 г.
ISBN 1-56000-436-3
The roots of praxiology. French action theory from Bourdeau and Espinas to present days
Transaction publ., 2000 г.
ISBN 1-56000-436-3
Durant, Will
The story of philosophy. The lives and opinions of the greater philosophers
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Durant, Will
The story of philosophy. The lives and opinions of the greater philosophers
Серия: Star book
Garden city publ., [Б. г.] г.ISBN отсутствует
Lupac, Jiri
The systems approach to computer-aided-design in technology (civil engineering)
1981 г.
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Lupac, Jiri
The systems approach to computer-aided-design in technology (civil engineering)
1981 г.
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Tuomela, Raimo
Theoretical concepts
ISBN 3-211-81119-2
Tuomela, Raimo
Theoretical concepts
Серия: Library of exact philosophy
Springer, 1973 г.ISBN 3-211-81119-2